When does it ever go according to plan? The plan had been to host all 1,000 children infected or affected by HIV/AIDS that first summer. However, when Camp Arroyo opened in 2000, there were around 300 children infected or affected by HIV/AIDS living in Northern California. The Taylor Family Foundation (TTFF) was faced with figuring out how to fill camp. Elaine went back to her initial desire, which was to help kids with no resources. Children who were “falling between the cracks,” whether it be due to illness or financial hardship could have a place at camp. Her goal was to ensure kids in the community who didn’t have anything, could have something just for them. So she opened Camp Arroyo’s doors, offering camp sessions to other groups of children who were “falling between the cracks”.
Camp Sunburst, the group that provided the inspiration for building a permanent camp, kicked off Camp Arroyo’s inaugural year with a picnic on July 3. The following day, TTFF was in full-swing, hosting the first of Camp Sunburst’s three week-long sessions which aimed to provide once-in-a-lifetime summer camp opportunities to children infected or affected by pediatric HIV/AIDS. Besides Camp Sunburst, Camp Arroyo welcomed children living with Crohns and colitis, Sickle cell and skin disease for a week at camp. In addition to children living with life-threatening diseases, TTFF hosted Special Olympics kids for a week at camp. As always, camp was free of charge to the families.
Even when the summer sun set and the fun had ended, TTFF held weekend retreats for families infected or affected by pediatric HIV/AIDS during the school year.
Here’s what a typical day looked like with Camp Arroyo first opened:
7:30 AM Wake up. Medication.
8:00 AM Breakfast
9:00 AM Rest
10:00 AM Rotating activities, such as swimming, arts and crafts,
water balloon fights, soccer on the meadow, archery and horseback riding
11:00 AM Time for campers to discuss whatever was on their minds in group counseling
12:00 PM: Lunch. Medication
1:00 PM Rest or nap
2:00 PM Swimming and outdoor activities
4:00 PM Arts and Crafts
4:30 PM Medication
5:00 PM Movies or videos
6:00 PM Dinner
7:00 PM Evening entertainment
8:30 PM Campfire and s’mores
9:00 PM Medication
9:30 PM Lights out