ONLINE Educational Workshops (Cost: $159.00)
Join us ONLINE on October 19th and October 21st for two educational workshops dedicated to the life-long concerns of siblings of brothers and sisters with a special need. By giving sibs the support, information, and tools they need, everyone benefits.
ONLINE Sibshop Facilitator Training (Cost: $259.00)
Attend the Educational Workshops on October 19th and October 21st AND a third session on October 23rd and earn your certificate to become a Sibshop facilitator. Emily Holl will cover all you need to know about running a Sibshop in your community.
*** Scholarship opportunities are available if you are in Northern California ***
Email ttff@ttff.org or call (925) 455-5118
Schedule and Details:
Session 1 – October 19 (7:00-9:00 pm)
Siblings of People with Special Needs: Unique Concerns & Unique Opportunities
Welcome, training overview, introduction to siblings and sibling support. During this lively, interactive kickoff session, we’ll discuss sibs’ unique concerns across the lifespan.
After we finish our discussion of concerns, this session presents the many opportunities siblings experience. We’ll also discuss what parents and professionals can do to minimize sibs’ concerns and maximize opportunities. Audience: general audience & Sibshop facilitator trainees.
Session 2 – October 21 (7:00-9:00 pm)
Panel of Adult Siblings
A powerful way to learn about sibling issues is to hear from the “real experts.” An online panel of adult brothers and sisters will share their experiences, insights, and suggestions for parents and providers.
Session 3 – October 23 (9:00 am – 12:00 pm)
All About Sibshops – Sibshop Demonstration & Certification
Sibshops are kid-friendly workshops as rewarding to run as they are to attend. Participants will learn the logistics of planning and implementing a local Sibshop, and Sibshop goals and related recreational, discussion, and educational activities. Trainees will observe online Demonstration Sibshop activities with young brothers and sisters, and receive the materials and know-how to start, plan, and facilitate Sibshops.
If you have questions, please contact Jeanette Somers at ttff@ttff.org or 925-455-5118