Can you imagine making hors d’oeuvres for 1000 guests? What about pouring wine for hours in 100-degree temperatures? That is what The Taylor Family Foundation’s (TTFF) Day in the Park (DITP) Epicurean Ensemble superstars do every August. Many people don’t realize the restaurants, wineries, breweries and pastry chefs not only donate their food and beverages, but their time and talents as well. Their entire day, when you consider prep time, travel, clean up and break down, is devoted to this one event. They arrive at 9:00 am to be ready to go by 11:30 am when attendees descend upon the tables and serve guests nonstop until 2:30 pm.
Guest favorites like Walnut Creek Yacht Club, PRIMA, Bridges Restaurant and Montabella Sausages have been dedicated to TTFF since the Lafayette days. Others, like Zephyr Bar and Grill, have stuck with us since they opened. Wente Vineyards and Restaurant, Lamborn Vineyards, Sierra Nevada and Boston Beer have quenched your thirst for decades. You can thank Sunrise Bistro and Catering and Rachel Dunn Chocolates for making sure your sweet tooth was never neglected.

Reflecting back on Day in the Park, Mike and Terry Lamborn of Lamborn Family Vineyards tell us, “We have participated in Day in the Park every year for over two decades and wouldn’t miss it for the world. The Taylor Family Foundation does such wonderful work and for such a deserving group of children. Being in the wine business, we see many charities in action, and in our opinion, Day in the Park is the best organized and executed event we have ever been exposed to. It’s a joy to contribute.”