An Introduction to East Bay Regional Park District (EBPRD):

Finding a location for her camp project, Camp Five Acres, proved to be a harder task than Elaine imagined. On an impulse, she had the foundation’s current Executive Director, June Johnstone, call East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD) to see if they had a few acres they would lease to The Taylor Family Foundation (TTFF) to build a permanent summer camp. Little did Elaine know, EBRPD General Manager, Pat O’Brien, had his own dream. His goal was to construct an ecologically minded facility to be used as an environmental education center during the school year. After several discussions to see if they could work out the logistics to accommodate both needs, Elaine and O’Brien shook hands on a deal.
In 1997, TTFF and EBRPD signed a Memorandum of Understanding to build out Camp Arroyo.
Nestled in the Livermore foothills, the site was far bigger than the five acres that Elaine had hoped for. The 138-acre property was once home to a tuberculosis sanitarium and abandoned, dilapidated structures and remnants of building foundations were all that remained on the property. EBRPD would contract with YMCA of the East Bay to manage the camp during the school year, during which local 3rd- 6th graders would spend a week learning about the environment and sustainable living practices. Camp was designated for TTFF’s use during the summer and select weekends throughout the year.